Thursday, August 6, 2009

Whoa This Shirt Is Intense

I had heard rumors that there were fans showing up at Redskins camp with "Washington Wants Vick" shirts and signs. So, I googled the shirts. I didn't find the Washington Wants Vick shirts, but I did find a whole slew of Anti-Vick shirts. Some are sort of funny ("Vick is a dick"). However, I couldn't help cracking up at the shirt pictured above, which is apparently an anti-Vick shirt and features what is hands down the most intense quote ever to be put on a t-shirt. You must have some seriously unresolved issues to wear this thing.

Just to be clear.... the quote, which lies over fire, reads:

"I am confident that the hottest places in Hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God's creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt. - Sen. Robert Byrd"

What the hell do you do if you're at a cookout and there's some dude wearing that shirt? I would go with the obligatory raise of the beer can. You've acknowledged the shirt, and you can then relocate very quickly because you haven't engaged any discussion.

1 comment:

Babcock said...

Finally, a shirt I can wear to Homecoming this year!