Sunday, June 28, 2009

MD 20/20: Bling Bling

I have a certain relative (who shall go unnamed) who once drank ten bottles of Mad Dog in one day while being initiated into a fraternity at his college (both of which shall go unnamed). I feel like that's one of the most impressive drinking feats in history. There are few boozes that burn the stomach and the head quite like Mad Dog does. I will openly admit to drinking it often in high school, and occasionally in college when my budget dictated. However, I have not had it in a LONG time, and I've never been better.

Anyways, this relative is getting married in August and had his bachelor party yesterday at an undisclosed location. We were invited to bring any booze we would like to haze him with. There was a case of Jameson, some Smirnoff Ices (the fruity flavors), and pretty much everything else you would never want to drink too much of on their own, never mind drinking them all simultaneously. I thought nothing could be more appropriate for this good man than a Mad Dog.

As I said, it had been a while since I sought out the MD 20/20, and I couldn't be happier to see their new labels, which now feature a gold chain hanging from the classic logo. As you can see, the chain reads: Bling Bling.

I'm not sure if all flavors have this new addition, or if it's just the Blue Rasberry.

There are many directions in which to go from here, but I will choose instead to end this post.

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