Monday, June 8, 2009

Top Of The World

Certainly, none of us imagined it would take Adam Morrison this long to reach this point. But now, after 3 greuling seasons and a change of city, he appears hungrier than ever to capture his first championship. This moment was clearly not lost on him last night, as he was flailing all around on the bench as if he were actually in uniform, showing the most life we have seen from him since before that fateful night in Oakland:

I actually thought Morrison had died on the court for about 4 months until I saw him get drafted on live television. While it was clear at that point that Morrison was not actually clinically dead, spiritually he has seemed completely vacant. However, this championship run, for which he is being paid quite handsomely despite not actually suiting up seems to have rekindled a firey passion deep within his soul. He was jumping up and down like a giddy schoolboy last night as he watched his teammates. This might be just the lift the stache needs to refocus his efforts on working his way back onto the court and back into the hearts of moustache enthusiasts everywhere. Look out NBA, once Morrison tastes this sweet championship nectar, he may never look back.

1 comment:

Nick L. said...

I will say, Morrison did have some decent games as a rookie. However, that may have just been because I watched him playing against the Celtics, who were atrocious that year. Nevertheless, I stick to my guns on the vacant soul stuff.