Saturday, February 21, 2009


Ferrante and I watched the new KG DVD last night, and it was probably the closest thing to a circle jerk that either of us have ever experienced. The DVD is incredible. Great high school footage of him dominating, interviews with family and friends, and a lot of interviews with KG that I haven't ever seen before. Nothing pisses me off more than buying something like this only to find that I've already seen everything on it. This was all new stuff. They even have his neighbor talking about how KG would throw food across the fence to the dogs so that they wouldn't bark when he was sneaking out to play basketball (his mom wouldn't let him play, because she wanted him to focus on school).

There was a lot of time spent on what great on-court chemistry he and Marbury had.....we need Marbury. You could tell that KG was cut when Stephon wanted to be traded. But, at this point, I think the two would be happy to reunite.

Warning....if you experience an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, please seek immediate medical attention:

Buy a Bukake Matsui shirt.

1 comment:

MFerrante said...

It is the best DVD I own, bar none. I had very high expectations and it surpassed them all. I anticipate watching it at least 10 or so times down the stretch and during the playoffs. The emotional high left me seriously considering tattoing KG's face on my body.