Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Morning Bullets Complete With My Bachelorette Prediction

1- T.O. and I are so in sync lately. I can't even handle it. When it comes to sports, there is nothing I like more than watching talented players, and I am giddy about being able to appreciate TO again now that he is over in the AFC. I have also been going out of my way to convince everyone I can that Michael Vick needs to be reinstated to the NFL immediately. TO is on the same page, of course. In a league where everyone seems to be terrified to speak out against the commissioner, guys like Owens are more valuable than ever:

I will direct you to a direct quote from Babcock (our CFO)which was given to me when I was preparing to write my own piece on Vick's case:

"If we can't throw a guy in jail, take everything he has, make him pay for his crimes, and then turn him loose with the freedom to get it all back, then we've really lost our way as a nation."

The man has paid for what he has done, and he did not receive the celebrity discount on his jail time. He spent nearly two years in prison. As far as we know, he has committed no crimes since. He should now be free to put his life back together. It is not our job as a society to punish him further. If our goal as a society is really to rehabilitate crimals when possible, then we should want them to get back on their feet. We should hope that they can all find work and build a life that keeps them clean, and that helps the future generations not make the same mistakes. This Vick case is a great scenario. I wish all released inmates had skills as marketable as Vick's...we'd certainly see significantly fewer repeat offenders.

2-I've hosted and attended many Big Lebowski parties over the past 8 or so years. Nothing that I've experienced rivals the Seattle Lebowski Fest, which Jim Caple recaps in this column. Caple describes the event as a cooler man's Star Trek convention: where fanatics gather in meticulously constructed costumes to mimic the mannerisms and recite the lines of their favorite characters.

Caple also introduces us to the real life dude, Jeff Dowd. I had no idea that such a man existed. The greatest quote comes when Dowd explains that he wasn't actually in to bowling, and instead was really into running:

"Well, you had to be in shape to drink all those White Russians and make love to all those women."

Here he is, the real dude, with Jeff Bridges:


3-I'm not going to waste too much time justifying this, I'm going to try to just jump in to it. I'm a married man. My wife has watched virtually every Celtics and New York Giants game since we've lived together (and many before that as well). Most of the time, she enjoys that. It's only fair that I have taken in my fair share of reality tv as well. So yes, I have watched every episode of this season's Bachelorette. And, I'll admit that most of the time I enjoy that.

Judge me if you want, but I know there is at least one other member of the roomofzen staff who is in the same boat. Also, let me just point out that this is really not much different than Rock of Love or Flavor of Love. In fact, in the last episode, we had to watch Jillian and Ed rub lotion all over each other as foreplay, and then we learned that the night came to an abrupt end because Ed was too tired and couldn't get it up. If that's not entertainment, then I don't know what is.

You may be wondering whether or not this is appropriate for the roomofzen, and I assure you that I would never post this unless I felt like I had a chance to be correct in my prediction for tonight's finale. Here it is:

So, we're now down to two men, Ed and Kiptyn. However, because of the unusual way this season has unfolded, we cannot assume that Jillian is limited to picking one of those two men tonight. Ed has already left and returned to the show. To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about this. If it is indeed, a competition, then once you're gone you should have lost your chance to win. However, we're all supposed to be worrying about Jillian "finding love", so clearly the integrity of this competition means nothing.

Anyways, because of the way things have gone, we have to assume that a previous contestant could appear. Now, there were only two eliminated contestants not present at last weeks "Men Tell All". One was Wes, who is off promoting his new country album, and who may have been too controversial (I actually think he came into the show with a much more realistic and attainable goal ((promoting his music career)) than any of the other men, but this isn't the time for that) to feature. The other was Reid, who was the last man eliminated. Chris told us that Reid was not in attendance because he had "a prior engagement." I thought it seemed strange: these guys get paid for being on the show, and they are obviously all doing it as an attempt at fame. So, why would Reid not be there? Plus, I imagine that the men knew about this WAY ahead of time, and were told that they all had to be there. So, I wonder exactly what must have kept Reid away.

At the end of the show, they showed a preview of tonight's finale. There was a definite screenshot of Reid in there. And then, I suddenly remembered Chris's words: "a prior engagement". A clever play on words? I think so. Reid seemed like he had the best chemistry with Jillian on the dates in Spain and Hawaii, and I was surprised to see him go. My prediction: he returns, finally tells her that he loves her and wants to get married. She will then choose him.

It's a little out there, but if it happens, remember that you read it on the roomofzen first.

A little note here: When Reid does this, he won't actually mean that he wants to get married. But, he will say it anyways. No guy wants to get married after spending 6 MONTHS dating a girl. Nevermind 6 weeks, with her dating 29 other dudes simultaneously, including banging a few of them in the fantasy suite. It's completely unrealistic, but you have to say that's what you want if you want to stay alive in this game. Kiptyn, Ed, Jake, and Michael S. all knew that. Reid clearly didn't understand what it took to be a champion. It's not surprising that he's from Philadelphia.

UPDATE: I was close, but not quite on the money. Reid did return in a minivan, looking quite disshevled. He did also propose to Jillian. Then, in typical Philadelphia fashion, he was sent home crying right before a winner could be crowned. The winner was Ed. Worth mentioning that Babcock picked him to win in week 2.

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