Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Odds and Ends

So, the Tuesday night show at the Middle East was scheduled to feature Stolen Babies as the first band, followed by Genghis Tron, A Life Once Lost, and the Dillinger Escape Plan. I was very pumped, as I have heard that all four of these bands are sick live. Well, Stolen Babies ended up having to drop the show for some reason. To the best of my knowledge, this was in no way similar to the incident when Axl Rose kept an entire arena waiting so that he could watch the rest of the New York Knicks game (now, if he really wanted to prove his fanhood, he could try pulling that this season.) Instead, a band called Shat kicked off the show. This band sucked. I don't know how else to put it. It was four guys who were stripped down to nothing but body armor that was totally covered by dildos. Their songs were each about one minute or so in length (their latest CD features 69 songs in 72 minutes), and they generally consisted of no more than one line that kept being repeated. An example of a song (this is one that is a little less graphic, for the kids out there) was a rendition of the BINGO song, but instead it was Fat ho (F-A-THO instead of B-I-NGO). This was probably the best piece musically, most likely because they ripped it off from whoever wrote the original bingo song. It was very awkward because they were making it clear that they were pissed and thought the audience sucked because they weren't into it (in fact the lead singer said "we may never play here again" there's reason to be hopeful), and the audience was upset because they had to watch this god-awful band for the first act. I was just upset because the lead singer's balls were hanging down below his strap-on. Riley hit the nail on the head when he compared the act to seeing Jack Black dress up crazy and play songs on stage, except if none of the jokes were funny. They are on youtube if you want to check them out. I refuse to include it in here.

So, the change in the first act was a huge downgrade. However, Genghis Tron, A Life Once Lost, and especially DEP more than made up for this unfortunate turn of events by blowing our faces off for the next three and a half hours. Genghis Tron (pictured) has a really cool and different sound, and the show is really cool because of their unique nature of music. Their lead singer has great stage presence, and his voice reminded my of Dennis Lyxzen during the Refused era (a huge compliment from me, I love refused.) I didn't really know much about A Life Once Lost other than that their sound is pretty typical for your run-of-the-mill metal band. Their show was outstanding and filled with energy. The Wanderer in particular stood out to me as a sick performance. So, by the time we got to the break between A Life Once Lost and Dillinger, I was feeling pretty good about the show. We were having a great time, and would have been perfectly happy if the show continued on the same wavelength for the rest of the night. I never could have imagined that Dillinger could have raised the intensity level the way that they did. The beginning of their first sounds hit me like a lightning bolt thrown from Zeus. I have heard that their shows are incredible, but I never imagined how sick it would be. What struck me most was how loud, fast, and crazy they were able to be on stage despite how technical their music is. I would recommend seeing any of these three bands live, I believe they are touring for the next few months. Hopefully you will get Stolen Babies instead of Shat.

There will be a lot of roomofzen material coming to you this weekend. I hear rumors that we may even hear from the oracle. However, I just want to hit on a few points quickly:

1) Can we all stop with the talk about how Tony Romo was cursed by the presence of Jessica Simpson at the Cowboys game. She goes to all of the Cowboys games! She just usually sits somewhere else. Now, maybe we can pin it to a seat, or a specific article of clothing (I hate pink jersies too), but how far can we go with this. She has literally probably been at over 50 per cent of his home games since last year.

2) I'm going for an unprecedented fantasy three-peat this weekend. Now that there are only two teams standing in the league, I want to share with the people out there a strategy that has served me well up until last week (when it backfired for the first time). Now, people always say that your defense doesn't really matter unless they suck. Well, last year I was very unhappy with my defense (Seattle). I was sitting on the playoff fence, and looking for a way to get over (how embarrassing, to win the championship and then not even make the playoffs). I was fortunate to have a solid lineup of starters, so I dropped all of my bench guys, and picked up the defenses that were playing the Raiders for the rest of the weeks (it was lucky that I was able to do this. We had an 8 person league ((now 12)) and most people only carried one DST at that point). Now, for those of you who may not remember, that Oakland offense was one of the worst as far as giving up sacks and turnovers. I won some close games for the rest of the way, always getting 25+ points from my defense. So, this year, I spent weeks 11, 12, 13, and 14 with the defense that played Miami. Again, this couldn't have worked out better. Miami's offense wasn't quite as bad as Oakland's last year, but they were certainly the worst out there. Unfortunately, last week I realized that Miami would be playing Baltimore and New England (both taken) and I had no defenses for the two most important weeks. So, last week I rolled the dice and took Denver against Houston. My strategy for playing the defensive matchup failed me for the first time. This week, for the championship, I have chosen Arizona, who takes on Atlanta. I'm confident in this choice, and so confident in this system that I don't believe it can fail me twice in a row. So, just remember, by paying attention to the details, you too can one day be a three-time fantasy champion.

3) The Celtics are going to face a huge test tonight against Detroit. They are going to be challenged a great deal over the next few weeks as they will soon be starting a West Coast road trip. Look, people are saying that this team has been playing an easy schedule so far and that they're too old to make it through the season healthy. But, honestly, I think that these arguments are being made by people who are just looking for reasons to knock this team down. True, they haven't played the other top four or five teams in the league. But, they have been blowing out their competition by 20 points pretty regularly. They did absolutely crush Denver. They are 20-2, which means that they must be doing something right. Next, any team is going to be decimated by multiple injuries to key players, so that argument is not specific to the Celtics. But, they won two tough games pretty convincingly without Ray Allen this weekend, and we've been saying on this site all year long that the best surprise about this team has been its bench. I think that given their record right now, they will be able to suffer minor injuries to key players and still win the Atlantic when it's all said and done. Listen, I really believe that we are witnessing one of the great seasons in recent memory. Until the Celtics actually prove me wrong, I refuse to believe otherwise.

4) The more I think about the matchup for the G-Men against Buffalo this weekend without Shockey and with a hobbled Plax, the more I feel this turning in my stomach as I imagine the Saints taking our playoff spot. We need this one bad.

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