Friday, October 31, 2008

Roomofzen Podcast #1

We've been dreaming of doing podcasts for a long time. Babcock and I stumbled upon some technical information this week, and figured we'd go ahead and try to pump one out in about 2 hours. Well, as it turns out, it was two hours before we could even figure out how to record. We finished recording at about 10:45 last night. It is now 7:13 AM, and I can finally publish this post with some confidence that the file we created will actually play.

Is it good? Not really. But, we had a blast. I definitely say "real fast" 3 times in the first 20 seconds. We say that Dan Orlovsky stepped out of bounds last week when it was really 3 weeks ago. I also utter the phrase "Leon Powe has the ability to score at will." But, those things aside, it's not bad. We discuss the Celtics opener on Tuesday, the prospects of the Cavaliers this season, week 9 in the NFL, and Mike Singletary as the 49ers new coach. Babcock loves Singletary in that role, and how could you not after reading this story about his motivational techniques at halftime last week. All in all, it's 69 full minutes of fun. Please enjoy.....

If the player shits out on you, here is the link to listen to it in a different window. It works a lot better.

We've got a long way to go if we ever want to approach the level of the BS Report or the Basketball Jones (TBJ in my mind is the sickest podcast out there). But, we've been successfully improving the site all along. Next week: look for us to get more of the staff involved, we will work on a musical intro, we will do some more scripting so we don't ramble as much, and we will answer our podcast e-mail question sent in from Matt in Seattle (sorry Matt, we were rambling, and then suddenly we were well over an hour. We'll get you next week).

1 comment:

Nick L. said...

We also completely neglected to make fun of Isaiah Thomas.....