Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Dream

I had a dream last night that was probably the most vivid one I have ever had. I don't usually remember my dreams. I was on the basketball court at Avon Old Farms, and for some reason the Celtics were there just shooting around. All of the other players were laughing and having fun, but Kevin Garnett looked very intense. So intense that when he walked by me, I was scared to say hello. But, he put out his fist and offered my a pound. I put my fist out. The force of his fist pound was so great that I was shot fifty feet in the air and slammed against the brick wall. I looked at him for some type of explanation, but he just looked at me like a bull in rage. My alarm then went off. I shot up, unable to believe what had just happened. The message was clear to me. The Celtics are embarrased about the way they let Monday night slip away. KG is amped, and I have a feeling the Celtics are going to pound the Suns into submission tonight.



Anonymous said...


Nick L. said...

Literally the first time in years I have woken up and remembered having a dream. And, obviously they delivered. Perhaps we should put on a rock concert, or start an NBA team. THe only thing missing from this whole scenario was a naked indian.