Friday, March 7, 2008

Night at the Roxbury

Awesome win by the Wizards tonight. I have to ask everyone: how much do you hate the Raptors?


Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone really hates the Raptors... they are probably one of the top 5 most innocuous teams in the NBA. Nice try though.

Nick L. said...

I hate them. But, I also hate every other team in the Eastern Conference other than the Celtics. But, I think the night at the Roxbury parallell is outstanding.

Anonymous said...

are you kidding? ask a wizards fan, or basically anyone in the dc-metro area (about 30 million people last time I checked).

the raptors have beaten the wizards twice over the last two years on buzzer-beaters, too -- the teams have a great rivalry and I cant stand them

and, they're players are meager white guys who look like euro trash

Anonymous said...

The Raptors and the Wizards have a rivalry? Has anyone outside of DC heard about cette rivalry? The Raptors are just there, like the Phoenix Coyotes in hockey, the Arizona Cardinals in football or the Washington Nationals... oops sorry.

Anonymous said...


Nick L. said...

I'm going to take Ted's side on this one. The Wizards and Raptors are in similar positions in the East, and if they have had intense games, I can see the bitterness brewing. I hated Orlando during the start of the year. And, as a fan of well-established teams (minus the Whalers, RIP) I think that we all need to make more of an effort to appreciate other fan's feelings about their teams. Just because it isn't Celtics/Lakers, Giants/Eagles, Skins/Cowboys, Red Sox/Yankees, or Cardinals/Cubs doesn't mean that there isn't real hostility. We all need to be a little less arrogant. Ted has experienced this on both ends because he is a Redskins fan and a Wizards fan.

Plus, if we're going to view every game between Western playoff contenders as a rivalry game (as has been happening since the All-Star break) then let's start building up a little more bad blood in the East too. It will make for a more exciting playoffs.

Finally, I'm calling it now, the Celts will own this second half, they couldn't have sucked more in the first half and they're tied.