Friday, March 7, 2008

Weird Article

This story is worth a read if you have the time. While I'm tempted to laugh at the situation and the people involved, I can't help but feel annoyed at Lil' Romeo going to USC (although just saying Lil' Romeo makes me laugh)....

1. Why is Lil' Romeo getting a full-ride to USC? He sucks at basketball, yet the college is using him as a recruiting tool (imagine player visits to USC - spend a night going out with Lil Romeo in LA). More importantly, he's taking someone's spot whose probably ten times better. I guess it's a play to gin up interest in USC basketball, or a weird PR stunt. On second thought, this idea may be genius.

2. Can his dad, Master P, not afford tuition to USC? Why are they paying for this guy's tuition when he sold 1.5 million records and has a dad who also sold a ton of records? I can't believe the WSJ didn't mention this fact and how ridiculous it is...

3. Floyd is actually pretty smart in having DeRozan and Lil Romeo play together. But someone has to call them out for it -- blatently using a scholarship for one player who sucks in order to get another player who is awesome. Shouldn't scholarships go to the best players?

1 comment:

Nick L. said...

It will be interesting to see how it works out. It could be amazing for recruiting or it could be bad. Obviously, what high school kid doesn't want to come and hit the town in LA with a celebrity, but I wonder if guys will resent him.