Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Jordan Ads

I've been having a strange series of thoughts lately: why is Michael Jordan suddenly on TV during the NCAA tourney? Where was he before? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jordan hasn't been on TV for awhile, at least in a major way. Now we have at least three different commercials and products touting his name during the tournament (Jumpman ads, and the two Hanes ads). Why is this happening now?

For a moment, put aside the obvious answer to my question -- Jordan is synomous with college sports because he epitomizes college hoops in its hayday. Of course everyone remembers his college career, and I doubt we'll ever see a period of college sports with that many good players competing at the collegiate level. It was awesome, Jordan was awesome, ect.

But consider Jordan's "career" since he left the Bulls:

1. He tried playing minor league baseball and failed
2. He tried playing for the Wizards and failed
3. He went to work for the Bobcats as an owner / manager and failed (is still failing?)
4. He's had a terrible divorce
5. We found out he has a major gambling problem

To say Jordan has suffered a string of bad luck and financial misfortune is understating the situation. Does he now owe a ton of money to his wife? Does he have gambling debts? Barkley has a similar situation: he gambles millions of dollars and now has to work to pay it off...

I'd like to think the answers to these questions are "no." Jordan is, afterall, the first guy who married sports and marketing for the NBA (remember "Be Like Mike"?). No one would say that his marketing efforts have been nothing short of spectacular, like his basketball career. And to say he may have spent all of his money is probably absurd.

But why is he on TV now? And why does his ad with Cuba Gooding suck so badly?


Nick L. said...

I see what you're saying but I disagree. The man is the whole reason that athletes can make money in endorsements now. Plus, he won championships after returning from baseball. He's probably the most recognizable face in sports history (at least in America). Having one divorce is small potatoes in pro sports, and I don't really see the gambling thing as a problem if you can still afford to live lavishly. I don't ever think he'll go away. But, I will hand it to you, the commercials with Cuba Gooding Jr. suck. But, a more important question here is why Cuba Gooding Jr alongside Michael.

And Charles Barkley is a saint!

Anonymous said...

I don't think we really disagreeing. My sense is that Jordan has plenty of money, and I'm just curious as to why he's on TV all of a sudden.

And what you said about his marketing is definately true - he is the sole reason guys like Melo or Lebron can make 100 million advertising deals. It's pretty amazing if you ask me.

As for the Cuba ads, they really bug me. Gooding's career has been going downhill ever since Jerry Macguire. So why do they pair him up with Jordan whose career has also been going downhill?

Contrast the Jordan ads to the Barkley / Wade ads. They are 1000 times better and actually hilarious. Couldn't Hanes pick someone younger and more dynamic than Gooding?

Anonymous said...

Sir Charles is also the man. One of us should do a post about how awesome he is.

If someone in TV had a clue, they would give him a talk-show about sports and politics. I could listen to Sir Charles 10 hours a day, 7 days a week.

TBRO33 said...

First off, yes, his new commercials suck with Cuba Jr. Secondly, although it is only one divorce...I don’t care who you are...$150 millions dollars here one day gone the next would inspire anyone to start making more money. Thirdly, I’m not sure how talented his son is who plays for Illinois, but maybe over the next three years he hopes to be in the same gym reporting his son’s efforts....maybe.

Anonymous said...

150 could evaporate overnight, especially if you go to vegas a lot like barkley...

so maybe he does need the money...