Thursday, February 7, 2008

Best Commercial


It has been several weeks since I posted on this blog with any length. In order to free myself up from work on the days that the Giants had their playoff games, I have spent a great deal of time working around those days. However, tommorow night, I will provide a very long and comprehensive analysis of Super Bowl XLII and all of its glory.

I had to really fight getting a little choked up during this video intro on Sunday:

Now, maybe it's because I was so focused on the game, and I found the commercials annoying (unlike in some previous years, when the commercials are the only thing that can save me from the steelers and seahawks) but this year's commercials really seemed to suck.

However, there was one that really scratched me right where I itch, and here it is, the roomofzen choice for super bowl commercial of the year:

The celebration post to end all celebration posts, along with some NBA talk, and even some talk about diet soda, all coming to you tommorow.

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