Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Assorted Notes

1. Mao, excuse me Yao, is now out for the season and may not return for the Olympic Games. Wouldn't that suck if the host country's best player is out for the games? I know the Rockets have been playing well lately, but TMAC has come to rely on the big guy and Yao may send this team spiraling. That would rock because I hate the Rockets.

2. Clemens will be investigated as I predicted in this blog two weeks ago. This is a completely random observation and has nothing to do with Clemens, but have you ever wondered why news articles say things like, "Clemens' lead lawyer, Rusty Hardin, could not immediately be reached for comment after Waxman and Davis released their letter" (emphasis mine)?

It's as if the media has to be addressed the mili-second after news develops. Did someone from the press have Hardin's cell phone number on speed dial and call him the SPLIT SECOND after the news broke? Did they speed dial him with the hope that he wouldn't get their first call so they could then write that he "could not immediately be reached"? Why does the press do this?

3. Here is a cool link that lets you see the combine results from this weekend. I'd like to note that a 6'3 295 pound lineman ran a sub 5.0 40 and that D-linemen are running 4.5s. I know this happens every year, but I'm constantly amazed at the athletes in professional football. Also get this: the strongest player at the combine repped 225 37 times while a running back repped it 30 times. This is incredible.

4. Pats released Colvin. Babcock, thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Ballgame, are you really patting yourself on the back for predicting the feds would investigate Clemens? That's like saying the sun is going to rise tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

no, not at all. just giving people a reason to read my post which actually took me a few hours to write...

and yes, you're right...predicting this investigation is not rocket science. As espn pointed out the other night, congress has to be consistent and investigate the white guy because they investigated Bonds. To let him off the hook would look bad considering how they've treated other players in other words...