Sunday, July 20, 2008

Skins Acquire Taylor

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!"

To understand the Redskin's trade for Jason Taylor, you have to understand the psychology of Dan Synder and the Redskins. This is a team that thoroughly lacks discipline from top to bottom.

- They can't control their cap spending.

- They can't say no to pursuing "big name players"

- They can't resist making personnel decisions that focus on "winning now" rather than later

- They can't resist acting like like a b-rate Fantasy Team.

We will continue to be a mediocre team and franchise as a result.

Of course the Taylor trade makes sense on the surface. Our best d-end goes down to a training camp injury while our backup quickly follows suit. But last time I checked there were other d-ends available who didnt cost 99% of our remaining cap-room. Why did it have to be Taylor, a guy whom Parcells hated enough to basically away for nothing? And why did the Redskins yet again mortgage our future through draft pick give-aways? It's a pathetic joke if you ask me.

Is it because Taylor and Tom Cruise want to make terrible action movies that celebrate scientology? Has Taylor's Hollywood experience turned him into a closet-scientologist who now wants to play for El-Ron Hubbard and the Skins? Think Tom Cruise and El Ron Hubbard featuring a weird Rock look alike. And Dan Synder can bankroll it with his profits from over-priced seats at Fed-ex Field. I demand a press conference from Coach/Lackey Zorn to answer these questions.

But enough 20 questions. Taylor is a decent pick-up for the short-term, but I doubt he'll play for more than one season. Although he's ten times better than Bruce Smith, the idea is still the same -- sign big name players at the end of their careers and hope the fans are wowed by their names and past performances. Only time will tell if Taylor is any different.

1 comment:

Nick L. said...

we're going to crush you guys.