Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Father Finally Backs Off Of Big Baby

In an update on what the Orlando Sentinel is now dubbing "Shovegate", it appears the upset father who contacted the league yesterday in search of an apology from Glen Davis has decided to back off. Ernest Provetti, the father, has stated that he was emotional after seeing videos of his son being "shoved" on the Internet and overreacted.

Jesus, it's about time. Who does this guy think he is? Arthur Digby Sellers? His kid got the experience of a lifetime at this game, and probably wasn't embarrassed (as the dad claimed) until his dad made him sound like an ungrateful snot and released his full name in the process. Is this the way we're raising the future of this country? To complain and look for sympathy for being able to get an up close experience at an NBA playoff game? If so, then I'm moving to the Caribbean.

Look, honestly, I'm glad the dad has finally come to his senses. All that really matters here is that nobody got hurt, because it really would have been a shame if that little bastard had injured Big Baby. And, I have a feeling KG would have retaliated from the bench during game 6 in Orlando.


Casten said...

I had the same reaction to this asshole. It's no suprise that the guy is from Jersey. Way to raise your kid like a fag.

Nick L. said...

Wilbon was amazing on PTI on Tuesday.

He looked right into the camera and said "Big Baby didn't need to apologize. I would be so embarrased if this were my father. Seriously, what is wrong with this dad. He's the biggest wuss in America."

Now, I'm not condoning the use of the word "wuss" by men, but the man is dealing with some tighter restrictions than we are.