Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Feel Awkward

If you'd like to see a montage of the 08-09 Celtics season and their fans set to "Forever Young" by Rod Stewart, head here and watch the official Celtics thank you video to their fans. I'm not going to lie, this one didn't really do it for me. Forever Young by Rod Stewart, what's the significance? There are plenty of cliche sports songs that would have worked just fine (the warrior, won't back down, welcome to the jungle might have been good and fitting). Are the players forever young? Are the fans forever young? I don't get it. A video of KG screaming motherfucker at me as loud as possible would have been the best thank you they could have given me.

Also, you can see the old, white bearded man in the jersey and sportcoat that I wrote about in this article the day after the championship at the :38 second mark in the video. He's the man.

In fact, I just read that whole post from last year and it made me feel great. There is nothing like reliving the championships of your teams. Here it is again, in case you want a pick-me-up.

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