Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Babcock Report: Oops, I just Spectored My Pants

Excuse me Senator, you appear to be spewing shit from your mouth.
There comes a time in a man's life where he feels the uncontrollable urge to kick a 78 year old man square in the balls. For me, that moment was Wednesday, and that 78 year old man was Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector. I don't need to get into the details...many of you have rather eloquently stated some great opinions on this circus already. I will just say that I was embarrassed listening to Spector attempt to voice his "point of view" during his press conference. I was actually laughing out loud. All around Boston people were calling into talk radio stations questioning whether or not his press conference was in fact a skit. No, that was an actual US Senator. Yes, he said "Umm" approximately 8,764 times. No, it doesn't appear that he has watched a football game since 1954. I was honestly waiting for him to claim that the Patriots were illegally throwing forward passes. Seriously, its been said a million times already, but doesn't this guy have anything better to do? What a joke. Fortunately for NFL fans, and particularly for Patriots fans, there might not be anyone less qualified or less capable to lead an investigation into what has now been established to be a closed case. Well, except for this guy:

Another huge win for the Celtics last night. I am going out on a limb now and saying that the Celtics have had enough of this lose-on-the-road business and will win game 6 in Cleveland. I know that this flies in the face of all logic given that the home teams are 19-1 in the 2008 NBA playoffs, but I think that tomorrow night is the night. I have to agree with LaRocque about Lebron James' comments following the game. I think he just put a hex on himself. I have always suspected that it is not wise to refer to yourself in the third person, and that if you do some great misfortune will befall you. Do I have anything to support that? No, not at all. But did anyone see the sick leather jacket that Brian Scalabrine was wearing on the sideline last night? That has to be a good omen. Here's a bunch of pictures of Brian Scalabrine that I periodically look at to maintain my focus and intensity as we approach Game 6:

Creeping out girls on the T Scal
Elbowed in the face Scal
Very Intense Scal

Little Orphan Scallie


Nick L. said...

It's funny, I don't take that picture of Spector any less seriously than anything else I've seen of him in the last 24 hours. The guy is an absolute joke.

Nick L. said...

haha is that corn in those turds?

Babcock said...

Yes, that is in fact corn...I consider that some of my finest usage of the Microsoft Paint application in my entire life.