Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Buy This Shirt

I feel the need to say a few things about the new Beat LA tshirt that is available in the roomofzen store. First of all, and you have clearly already noticed this: it is badass. And yes, I agree, its beauty is in its simplicity. But I also want to say a few words about something that I feel very strongly about, and which I have spoken to many people about with great passion (although as of yet not on this blog). That is...what makes a great Tshirt. A great Tshirt is in fact one of the finest accessories a human body can enjoy. It can convey any message in the world, and yet, it is small enough to stuff into ones own pocket. It is versatile enough to be worn under other shirts, alone, or in a long sleeve waffle shirt-tshirt combo (one of my alltime favorites). A plain tshirt is classy, a cut-off metallica "And Justice For All" tshirt is hardcore. There really is a perfect tshirt for all moods and occasions.

There's a couple of things that make a great tshirt. First and most important, is the fit of the shirt. I dont care if I find a Wutang Clan tshirt under my pillow tomorrow morning, if the neck is stretched out, I will not wear it. Secondly, it must have the ability to survive a trip to the washing machine (any truly great tshirt will be worn often and hence need to be cleaned on occasion to maintain its wearability and to allow one to continue to field such compliments as "Dude, that is a sweet tshirt!"). If it shrinks so much after one wash that the back is now shorter than the front it is not a great tshirt. More or less it should remain the same size. It should never shrink noticeably, and if anything, it should stretch out over time from the tugging and pulling of righteous babes as they attempt to grasp the greatness that adorns your torso.

That is why many of our shirts (including the one above) are printed on American Apparel tshirts. Lets get one thing straight: I don't endorse products I don't believe in, unless they pay me. I know some of you may be familiar with American Apparel because apparently their CEO exposes himself to his employees and often walks around at work half naked. You also may recognize their advertisements which usually feature girls sporting a certain "I just did coke now lets go fuck in a bathroom" kind of look. Its not for everyone. I will say that in all of my travels, these are the most comfortable, durable, unshrinkingneckable tshirts out there. Yes, they are a little more expensive than other tshirts, but you won't be disappointed. That is what we are all about at roomofzen: quality, and exposing ourselves to our employees. We have steadfastly embarked upon the mission of creating one of the largest most random collection of quality tshirts known to mankind. We can do custom orders too, so if you see a design that you like but want on a different tshirt or in a different color, let us know at:

Also, don't forget that proceeds from all of our tshirts go to support the American Cancer Society.


Nick L. said...

The sturdiness of the neckline even shows through in the picture.

Anonymous said...

brilliant, babcock

wearing t-shirts to bars also has many unintended consequences, oftentimes beneficial ones

case in point: my white house t-shirt at the waterfront a month ago