Thursday, June 5, 2008

NBA Finals

Headbanger's Ball on MTV-2 still kicks a lot of ass. It used to be a lot better, but then again music used to be a lot better, too. One of the best parts about the show is that it exposes you to bands and videos you wouldn't normally watch. Take Hatebreed, for example. MTV played their "Never Let it Die" video on Saturday night, and it got me thinking about the Celtics. Do their lyrics remind you of the Celtics two years before KG & Allen?

The flame was almost extinguished the will had faded and escaped from me
Two years had passed and they wilted away
All that was left were memories of days I never lived

And how about the chorus? Does it remind you of the Celtics now?

Now the fight is on, until there's nothing left
I'll fight like never before
The fight is on, until my final breathI've never wanted anything more

KG: I must never let it die

The answer is fuck yeah, they do!

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