Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kobe's Manicure/Pedicure Confirmed

Tough to see any color on those nails from here. He must use a clear finish.

Thanks to Ferrante for this link. in which the Herald breaks the Kobe pedicure story on the same day as roomofzen. Except, they seemed to have some more solid and concrete details, including the name of the woman, the fact that it was a combo manicure and pedicure, and the fact that Bryant told her he didn't want to talk Celtics or Patriots with her. Well, I guess that's why they get paid over there at the Herald. There is no mention any where in the article about whether or not Bryant asked the woman to perform felatio at any point during the visit. But, we'll keep digging with our sources as well.

If you have anythink else you want us to check out, or any questions for the oracle, shoot an e-mail over to .

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